GREYHOUND was built by adding up the advantages and disadvantages of Hawk. Greyhound is a traditional recurve bow with much more grace and longer draw. In 1998 17641 shots were fired by Celestino Poletti, famous sportsman within 24 hours for testing the bow, this amazing achievement cut his previous world record. Greyhound worked excellent. It is popular mainly among women and beginner horse archers. A real family bow.
Average weight: 780 g Lenght of string: 140 cm / 55″ Draw weight: 25-50 # max draw length: 32″ measured at: 30″
Basic outfit: fibreglass bow, leather covering, ashwood siyahs and grip silk binding colour of leather and binding can be chosen
Optional extras: different decorations on siyahs and grip (+79 EUR) different leather ornaments (+49 EUR) leather embroidery (+35 EUR)